Speaking of One Big Trip, I was just listening to Hiero's Hydra from the One Big Trip soundtrack. Del's verse is classic, where he rhymes about blowing up ducks, and rummaging through trash cans.
Which got me wondering: What happened to the good ol' fun loving Del? At Hiero's show last Thursday at the Fillmore, Del showed up on stage about three minutes after the rest of the crew made their appearance. It would have been better had he not showed up at all. He only did about two or three of his verses, preferring to "freestyle"--and I apply the term very liberally here--or worse, lecture the audience about their loyalty. Or maybe it was the state of the industry. I'm not very sure. It sure didn't make sense.
But it looked bad. Ranting as the rest of the crew left stage, A-Plus had to come back and pull him away. The rest of Hiero looked embarrassed, really. I guess he's mad that his album, which took years to finally come out, isn't performing well. But that's because it's, well, simply not that great. I'm listening to "Same Old Thing" right now, and Del, you forgot what you were all about back in 1991 (which people be having memory loss now?). Maybe I'm overly nostalgic for a hip-hop era long gone, but Del's newest record just wasn't that fun.
And Del, you can't have Funky without fun. Maybe there is truly No Need For Alarm. There are rumors of a Del-Doom collaboration out there, and maybe even another Deltron (3031, anyone?). But after last week's antics, and the amount of time it took for the 11th Hour to come out (maybe 13th Hour would have been more appropriate?), I'm pessimistic.